Moaaz understands the importance an environmentally and socially responsible approach and uses his knowledge to ensure a sustainable design whilst optimising the system design to minimise building embodied and lifecycle impact.
He has a passion for excellence and provides a lead role in multi-disciplinary project teams. He excels in Mechanical Engineering and takes pride in building client relationships.
Moaaz understands technology from first principles and provides complex simulation analysis using IES Dynamic Thermal Modelling software. This expertise allows us to verify system designs and is founded on his experience using coding languages including Python and MATLAB.
Moaaz has delivered the HVAC system design for the DEFRA Boarder Control points at Sevington and White Cliffs and is a key part of our team working on the YTL Arena in Bristol.
BEng (Hons) / Mechanical Engineering First Class (1st) / City University of London AMIMechE / Associate Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers